One Month Today
It still aches
I dont know if it will ever stop
I dont know if I want it to stop
(missing him I mean)
But I do prefer feeling it than ignoring it.
Currently feeling it all today - as if it were happening all over again... As if it hasnt been a month already... As if I hadnt felt it all before that day.
We dont know how much space one takes up in our hearts until we lose 'em.
He sure took up a lot in mine.
Currently feeling it all today - as if it were happening all over again... As if it hasnt been a month already... As if I hadnt felt it all before that day.
We dont know how much space one takes up in our hearts until we lose 'em.
He sure took up a lot in mine.
So I took some time out to just sit and soak in God's goodness and faithfulness despite my overwhelmed with sadness heart.
God is sweet.
I was reminded that God is PRESENT though the waves and the world seem loud;
I was reminded that God is PRESENT though the waves and the world seem loud;
That as the waves come crashing in, so will healing, joy and goodness all around;
That memories of him bring healing instead of pain
That reminders of his counsel lead us closer than apart
That the sound of his voice ring comfort and peace
That stories of him strengthen us within.
Because all things work together for our good.
Choosing thankfulness in the sadness.
"It takes a village", they say.
So today I'm thankful for the "villages" that came through for us during this time - in person, in prayers, in thoughts, in mentions.
I know we are not forsaken because of you.
I know we are highly favoured because of it.
I know we'll see His faithfulness come through again and again.
"It takes a village", they say.
So today I'm thankful for the "villages" that came through for us during this time - in person, in prayers, in thoughts, in mentions.
I know we are not forsaken because of you.
I know we are highly favoured because of it.
I know we'll see His faithfulness come through again and again.
<3 <3 <3.... He is with US!!