This Samuel Generation
Last week was. BEAUTIFUL. Children are! It was such a joyous privilege to be a part of the Light Be Children's Ministry one week camp! Loved every bit of it: the noise, the spontaneity of conversations, the inquisitiveness, the silly giggles, the little cheeky and rebellious moves. It was fun to experience childhood again of some sort. So innocent, so free, so pure, so so anointed. At first I didn't take being a part of this as that much big of a deal until the Lord led me to read on 1 Samuel early Monday morning before the camp. It changed my perspective and everything. Samuel means: heard of God or asked of God. These children are a Samuel generation. They are the answer to prayers of anguish and sorrow those generations before us prayed for, for our nation.. the nations. And therefore, unlike Eli the priest, the responsibility of nurturing these children is to be taken seriously. You can imagine my heart: nervous, scared and in awe. T...