
Showing posts from 2014

This Samuel Generation

Last week was. BEAUTIFUL. Children are! It was such a joyous privilege to be a part of the Light Be Children's Ministry one week camp! Loved every bit of it: the noise, the spontaneity of conversations, the inquisitiveness, the silly giggles, the little cheeky and rebellious moves.  It was fun to experience childhood again of some sort. So innocent, so free, so pure, so so anointed.   At first I didn't take being a part of this as that much big of a deal until the Lord led me to read on 1 Samuel early Monday morning before the camp.  It changed my perspective and everything.  Samuel means: heard of God or asked of God. These children are a Samuel generation.  They are the answer to prayers of anguish and sorrow those generations before us prayed for, for our nation.. the nations.  And therefore, unlike Eli the priest, the responsibility of nurturing these children is to be taken seriously.  You can imagine my heart: nervous, scared and in awe. T...


It's different when the headline is "RAGS TO RICHES" or "STRUGGLING TO SAILING". It's something else when you've had all that and then you just suddenly don't - the possessions that I thought I was identified with: my father's house, car, the latest of gadgets, the fanciest of meals and family outings and a wardrobe of the latest (not to mention unnecessary) taste of fashion. Growing up with everything within reach of my desires having plenty and more than enough all our lives, to a place of nothingness, hurt and confusion.  Getting stripped off, of everything your supposed reputation and "comfort" rested on.  The depth of the heart ache only God understands. We were judged, stabbed in the back, abused and mocked in the face (literally) like never before.  In the bitterness of all this we fought, we blamed each other, we punched walls with bitter tears, we cussed, we hated, we resorted to lusts of the flesh and emotions; prostitute...

Tripping | Making Time

I don't have all the answers but here's what I'm writing about today. You know how when you're high on emotions and you're just blinded from everything around you? Like you just really don't care if the sky is falling, as long as you and him/her are together.. nothing else matters and all you want to do is please him in any way you can. You just cant risk hurting him. You ALWAYS make time for them. You cant help but lighten up when they're around and where being away from them is THE saddest thing.ever. (yikes.) Being with them you feel free to be yourself: to love unconditionally and be loved; to try new things; to make new traditions; to beat the impossible; dream big and live to fulfill it - purpose driven.  That is exactly what it should be with Him. The only one who truly satisfies.  One step at a time, keep falling in love. And love. Love is effortless. Love is surrendering.  Love is commitment. Love is not turning away when things go wrong bu...


Waiting seems like a hard process Especially when the world always seems to be in a contest Yet they that wait shall have renewed strength Victorious before reaching the other end Patience is the beauty produced Glory in believing with no excuse This. the joy of the righteous man God holding him by his right hand The journey is as beautiful as the end The re-uniting of the King and His heirs The joy one cannot comprehend Celebrating the goodness that forever stands ! 


Sitting here at our MacFarlen home dining table this afternoon, my heart melts every time I get a moment like this.  As I remember my sisters at school or wherever, and my family at home, I cant help but bawl at the thought of God’s faithfulness to us.  I feel like I just went all over the world only to come back to this one moment where I hear that small voice saying, “Daughter, I am still here.” This past month has sort of been a quiet one for me, as far as “doing something” according to the world’s system, is concerned.  Its been a fun week as most of our conversation around the dining table this week has been one where we look back over the years, at least the past four years, and are just amazed at how much God has grown us; how much God has kept us.  So we stumbled and fell on the way but God still brought us through. So we encountered divine interference wherever we thought we were headed, but at the end of the day we realised and are continuing to lear...


I thought I was selfless..enough. You tell me to share the gospel, I would.  You tell me to serve in any place at any time, I'm there.  You tell me about your tough life situations, I'll hold your hand and cry with you.  Galatians 2:20 "...yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.. " (KJV) This verse constantly challenged me this week and I realized I still have and always will have so much more to learn.  Dying to self is to be a daily thing.  Far be it that my tongue claims myself better than others, BUT my actions can sure show it.  Every time I hear (God's voice) and do another; every time I contemplate doing God's will; every time I don't release a message I'm supposed to release; every time I let my emotions get the best of me; every time I just feel like slacking down a bit - ignoring Quiet Time, Family devotion; every time I judge those who sit in front of Westpac (Suva main branch) on Friday nights (or every night); yes every one of those t...


My heart melts and cries at how much people don't fear God. Just because God has brought you out thus far, people think you can do your own thing now.. You fasted, prayed, and seeked Him hard out for intervention and after He does and many thanks you go right back to some place worse than Egypt.  How dare you?!  Knowing God isn't just about that one time experience or what you tell people about His deliverance for you or what people know or see about you.   God is real. More real than you think. God is serious.  God is serious.  God is serious. You take HIM so lightly! Hanging out, having church - related activities because God wants you to have fun? Im pretty sure you're getting the wrong idea of fun.  You're having a little bit too much fun that you ignore the fact that He is still a righteous God,  and NOTHING... NOTHING must come between you and Him - not your boss, not your partner, not your friend, not even your pastor nor anyone "known" to ...

Truth and Dare

What I'm about to write on maybe new to some and disturbing to some others, but I find it exciting to share!  John 4:24 GOD is SPIRIT and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.   The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are ONE right. The purpose of the Holy Spirit being poured on us is so that we can be reconnected to God.  Notice the prefix 're' which means to return to its original state.  Our original state is being in God's Presence (Eden) fully connected.   The Holy Spirit is only sent to dwell in one type of vessel - us. He doesn't dwell in animals or any other created being! Just us. Not even angels. Imagine! God's Spirit in us! - wait. I'm pretty sure you aren't getting it.    GOD    in     you.    And GOD is the Source, God the Healer, God the Creator, God who is sovereign, God who has power authority and honor over all nations and systems, whose rule is eternal - THIS GOD in us! NOW...

LOVE huh?

Do you know what LOVE  is? Yes you say God loves you but you do you know how deep?  I can almost hear you say yes? As deep giving a righteous son to die?  If you really love God as you like to say you do what is your reaction or affection like in seeing a well dressed (like he is headed to church), decent man in one minute, as compared to seeing a thug looking drunkard in the next? Do you feel the same way for both or do you just pretend that its the same? (Inside and out?) Try doing this for at least 50 random individuals - ha.  How about going to church. You see some things done arent godly and then you go and talk (gossip, 'share') about it - You become just as ungodly as they are no matter how much you justify yourself with experience and even the Word. The Word also says "do not judge" and "do not gossip".  Also important to note is that judging is different from correcting.  Some of us dont like being corrected and so resort to misinterpreting ...

How Grateful Am I?

This past weekend the religious commemorate Christ’s death  on the cross and His resurrection. If they don’t ever go to church in a year, this weekend is the only time they ever consider going.  Its because they “know” that this past weekend is/was for them. For us.  So we go to church because we feel that it’s the least you can do? You go to church because you feel that He deserves our attention today if not on any other day? You go to church because…… its like you feel sorry for Christ for all He had to endure for you? What is this?! You ask yourself or any random Christian why they went to church this weekend or why Easter is so special to them, and their reply would be centered around being grateful for Christ’s death for all sinners. Let me ask you something. How grateful are you? Are you really?? How deep is your desire to show how grateful you are? THIS is the real deal.  Grateful enough to seek Him and DO HIS WILL? Or just sparing a few hours in church to he...

Like Never Before...

It's the beginning of the end of the First Quarter of 2014 and I find myself soaring into an unbelievably (for me) new level! I didn't know exactly what the past six months was leading me to, but slowly and reluctantly, to be completely honest, I knew some things had to change (about me); some attachments needed letting go of; and more new and better things discovered.  Basically, in technical terms, for you 21st Century-ians, my system was heating up and wearing out and some if not most programs needed deleting from the hardware of my little complicated life.  Towards the end of last year life seemed like it was all winding down for me spiritually.  EXHAUSTED to be precise.  It wasn't until just last month that I decided, like finally decided to do something about it.  I was hating life with a passion and I knew I couldn't go on without confronting the heart of the matter.   That one morning (I will never forget!) fully dressed to leave for school, ...

There Is Only One Thing

There is only one thing. He sent them out to preach about the Kingdom and heal the sick He talked of rejection, humiliation and pride He challenged the laws, the leaders, their strife He taught them to pray He warned them of being easily swayed But there is only one thing He says Really there is only one thing He says it all comes down to Seeking His Kingdom, doing His Father's will which will always stand true Nothing more. Nothing less.  You want to come with your philosophies and theories Your experience of what He did for you in the past And what you think you know of Him No, no, no my friend You come to God as you are. No thinking, no status, no religion, no. Nothing See He doesn't want your ideas about this life as if He needed it He is LIFE Himself He. Just. Wants. You. Period.   I do not speak (write) because I fully understand I speak because the bit of the puzzle I do understand, causes me to realize how small I am,...

Choosing To Be Different

Happy New Year!!! So I realize that what Im about to write about probably does not match the exciting greeting but I just really feel like writing about this today. And maybe I will be feeling lame about choices tomorrow but today I am choosing to write this! This is something that has been on my heart for the past month or so.   Im tired.   Im tired of seeing people go to church because the “lali” is beating, calling the congregation together. Im tired of seeing youths standing around the “lali” or outside the church during the service but are the first ones seated around the “tanoa” after the service.   Im tired of seeing the congregation fill up the church halls for tea and cakes, merry making with the very people they hold a grudge against.   Im tired of seeing things being done because that's the way its always done – tradition. Im tired of seeing people serve the ‘church’ and not the One who caused the church to come to be.   Im t...