Truth and Dare
What I'm about to write on maybe new to some and disturbing to some others, but I find it exciting to share!
John 4:24
GOD is SPIRIT and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are ONE right. The purpose of the Holy Spirit being poured on us is so that we can be reconnected to God. Notice the prefix 're' which means to return to its original state. Our original state is being in God's Presence (Eden) fully connected.
The Holy Spirit is only sent to dwell in one type of vessel - us. He doesn't dwell in animals or any other created being! Just us. Not even angels. Imagine! God's Spirit in us! - wait. I'm pretty sure you aren't getting it. GOD in you. And GOD is the Source, God the Healer, God the Creator, God who is sovereign, God who has power authority and honor over all nations and systems, whose rule is eternal - THIS GOD in us! NOW imagine!!!
And you walk around school like your idol worshiping tutor/ lecturer is greater than He who is in you. All knowledge acquired in all the institutions in the world put together is not even a dot in who Jehovah is! Its actually much less. Remember this next time you sing "How Great is Our God".
I don't intend to condemn you but tell you truth you are sleeping on, "christian". Why do you walk around so defeated?!! Walking around your workplace like you're never gonna sit at your manager's chair unless your academic qualifications beat his. Dude you got the King of kings in you, BOSS of all bosses ..... all you've gotta be is connected.
So I'll challenge you as I was challenged this week, to tell all your desired positions or qualifications, tell it every time you come across it that, " Hey, I AM THE SAINT OF THE MOST HIGH GOD!" -[ Daniel 7:18]
Focus on that vision/ dream and don't let go. No matter what you go through, stick to your dream! Like Joseph. He had a dream that his brothers would bow to him. After that dream, he was treated like trash, sold as a slave, put in prison, falsely accused but he remained focused on his dream. He knew his life wouldn't be over until he sees his dream fulfilled!
I dare you. Tell your enemy and your mountain however impossible it may be, "MY GOD is greater than yours! One day I'll be talking down to you."
(This isn't boasting. It's declaring truth. Boasting is declaring something that ain't true.)
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