I thought I was selfless..enough. You tell me to share the gospel, I would. You tell me to serve in any place at any time, I'm there. You tell me about your tough life situations, I'll hold your hand and cry with you.
Galatians 2:20 "...yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.." (KJV)
This verse constantly challenged me this week and I realized I still have and always will have so much more to learn. Dying to self is to be a daily thing.
Far be it that my tongue claims myself better than others, BUT my actions can sure show it. Every time I hear (God's voice) and do another; every time I contemplate doing God's will; every time I don't release a message I'm supposed to release; every time I let my emotions get the best of me; every time I just feel like slacking down a bit - ignoring Quiet Time, Family devotion; every time I judge those who sit in front of Westpac (Suva main branch) on Friday nights (or every night); yes every one of those times, I am just like those who sit in front of Westpac on Friday nights.
Like them, I know that am loved and loved unconditionally. I know He has provided everything for me. I know that He chose me. I know that He is always for me, never against me. I know.... yet I still choose self over Him; I still look to temporary pleasures over His eternal/ everlasting love. I still choose to follow my instincts more than His sweet, soft voice. I still prefer to love people and things from the lust of my eyes than the unconditional love of Christ. I still settle for second bests than choosing Him who knows what is best. I am no better than the adulterous woman who consumes a man (or the world) and says, "What's wrong with that?" Proverbs 30:20 (NLT)
Never have I appreciated prostitutes so much like I do today. They show me who I am when I think Im better than someone. They show me someone who is lost, hurt, angry, stubborn, poor and sad by choice. They are exactly who or what I am when I ignore God - Our Lover, Provider and Strength.
The life of an adulterous woman. It's amazingly shocking and beautifully sweet.
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