LOVE huh?
Do you know what LOVE is? Yes you say God loves you but you do you know how deep? I can almost hear you say yes? As deep giving a righteous son to die?
If you really love God as you like to say you do what is your reaction or affection like in seeing a well dressed (like he is headed to church), decent man in one minute, as compared to seeing a thug looking drunkard in the next? Do you feel the same way for both or do you just pretend that its the same? (Inside and out?) Try doing this for at least 50 random individuals - ha.
How about going to church. You see some things done arent godly and then you go and talk (gossip, 'share') about it - You become just as ungodly as they are no matter how much you justify yourself with experience and even the Word. The Word also says "do not judge" and "do not gossip". Also important to note is that judging is different from correcting. Some of us dont like being corrected and so resort to misinterpreting it as being judged. Judging condemns. Correcting realigns the wrong in love.
Knowing God's love is more than going to church every Sunday, doing all the good stuff, having all the good things. It is seeking God hard out and doing His will... not because you have to, not because of people's opinion of you, not because its what you feel is right or makes sense to you, not because of experience or what you think you know is best. Seeking God and doing His will reveals to us more of His heart. and knowing His heart friends, is a bucket full of tears every day because His heart has always been for the souls of men.
Yes you know Jesus died but do you know the purpose? To be saved? Yes and more than that is, to be restored. To be restored to His image in Genesis 1:26. I came across a slogan this week for LED TV's that said, DISCOVER IMAGES THAT ARE A PURE REFLECTION OF REALITY. Funny how the world make up stuff like this to reveal truth...and Purpose to be exact. I laughed at this slogan because this has been the story of my life this past month. The more I learnt, the more I realized that it is actually everyone's life story! Knowing who's image we are created in, opens our eyes (physical and spiritual) to reality.
What is His image? Image includes nature, attributes and character.
- Attributes: OMNIPRESENCE (He is everywhere); OMNISCIENCE (He knows all and sees all); OMNIPOTENT (He is able)
- Character: Jehovah Jireh (Provider), Jehovah Nissi (Banner/Confidence), Jehovah Shalom (Peace), Jehovah Rapha (Healer) and many others.
My point in listing the above, is to show you what is in-built in us. Yes you have all that in you!
When Adam and Eve sinned, this image was distorted. This is why God had to call for Adam in the garden after they had sinned, because He couldn't see His image or reflection anymore. So every law and every prophet that came about after that, point to the coming of Jesus to die for us and be raised again. Jesus' death and resurrection saves us from the wrath of God AND restores us to his image. - This is His purpose. The enemy has made sin and wrong seem so acceptable and pleasing to man so as to keep us from knowing this purpose and knowing God's image in- built in us.
So if you have the Healer in you and then you run for a doctor's prescription over this truth of His image in us, can you imagine how much that hurts Him? He has in-inbuilt in us everything - literally. No wonder He tells us not to worry! And in our foolish human thinking we say, "um sorry God, but I think this doctor knows better..." If we dont say it, our actions sure show it.
If you think about it, how dare we?! How dare you put this Great God in a box, limiting Him to our foolishness?! How dare you insult the One whom you say created you? How dare you.
And then in all of this, He says, "I love you my child." This is why knowing God's heart and being in His Presence... you just can't not cry.
Through my mocking, gossip, rejection, pride and stubbornness, all He says is, "I LOVE YOU..... not because you're right, but because I just do." God is Love. Love conquers all.
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