It's different when the headline is "RAGS TO RICHES" or "STRUGGLING TO SAILING". It's something else when you've had all that and then you just suddenly don't - the possessions that I thought I was identified with: my father's house, car, the latest of gadgets, the fanciest of meals and family outings and a wardrobe of the latest (not to mention unnecessary) taste of fashion.
Growing up with everything within reach of my desires having plenty and more than enough all our lives, to a place of nothingness, hurt and confusion. Getting stripped off, of everything your supposed reputation and "comfort" rested on. The depth of the heart ache only God understands. We were judged, stabbed in the back, abused and mocked in the face (literally) like never before. 
In the bitterness of all this we fought, we blamed each other, we punched walls with bitter tears, we cussed, we hated, we resorted to lusts of the flesh and emotions; prostituted in every way we thought would satisfy our lack, like, "maybe dating a 'godly man would help me cope." 

All of which GOD replies, "Nope, none of that my daughter. In your times of scarce (or lack, hurt and confusion), I AM." 

It's been 5years. In all honesty, I realize that I have never felt so rich in my entire life! I don't think I would have learnt trusting solely on GOD any other way; to be able to say that ALL IS WELL with all of my heart with little or no tangible sign of hope and favor.. except His WORD. 

And my favorite part of any day is going to bed at night gazing at the stars and waking up to blue skies every morning smiling because just like it, His covenant with me remains forever. Nothing can change it nor can give me anything better. Rich because the true meaning and value of life is really: GOD Himself. 
..and all this hurt and unfairness,I don't know how things will unfold after this but I do know I will come forth as pure luminous gold.  



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