Like Never Before...

It's the beginning of the end of the First Quarter of 2014 and I find myself soaring into an unbelievably (for me) new level! I didn't know exactly what the past six months was leading me to, but slowly and reluctantly, to be completely honest, I knew some things had to change (about me); some attachments needed letting go of; and more new and better things discovered. 
Basically, in technical terms, for you 21st Century-ians, my system was heating up and wearing out and some if not most programs needed deleting from the hardware of my little complicated life.  Towards the end of last year life seemed like it was all winding down for me spiritually.  EXHAUSTED to be precise.  It wasn't until just last month that I decided, like finally decided to do something about it.  I was hating life with a passion and I knew I couldn't go on without confronting the heart of the matter.  

That one morning (I will never forget!) fully dressed to leave for school, I remember telling God, "You know what Lord?! That's it! I'm tired!!! Just tired. I am NOT leaving this house until You tell/ show me what's wrong Lord."  And God be like, "Well ! Its about time dear child." Haha. So much love for this God, you can't even fathom it! That morning changed my life! I discovered a shocking but purely simple truth that when I think of it, I feel I can almost hear one of the prophets in the Bible calling me a fool!... It was like when fish scales fell from Saul's eyes, veil removed, the whole enchilada.  At the end of four weeks my friends, I can confidently say I have just been delivered from my "Egypt". Your human mind wouldn't understand it if I told you. I don't intend to tell anyway as if it were more important, but rather the intention is that in this blog, slowly if not altogether, God's Spirit touches your hearts to open up to more of Him through your questions, doubts and fears which you might develop as you follow this blog. 

Bottom line is, my God, my Lover and my King has won my heart all over again and this time..... This time this little vessel is going all out - EXTREME.    PASSIONATE.   VIOLENT.  Like never before..... 


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