"Oh How You Are Mine!"

When God made man
He handled the being so delicately
He formed it so skilfully
His most treasured possession!

He gave his breath into the being to move, to live and have his being
Holy. Sacred and Good is this being to God

"Mine Mine Mine", He says.
"Oh how you are mine!"

Taking delight in you, so pure and true.
Unlike any other creation
One of a kind you!
Gave you everything else in His creation to rule
Everything in His creation, in all its splendour!
He gave you.

What does man do?
Man leaves the creation aside
Decides to overrule his own kind
How much God cherishes a human being
Loves him with all his heart
And the human chooses to play his own card.

Yet it doesn't change the way He looks at us
Oh how we've strayed from the start
Doesn't change the way He looks at us.

With this truth I nullify every lie
Telling me that playing around with a human being is right
Devil so sly but you're going down dead and dusted again this time
Sharing a joke of your neighbour is fine
I know I've been on this boat too many times.

But these past weeks, God opens my heart
To feel His aching heart.
Keeps me bawling for days
Wrecks me in unspeakable ways.

This God means business with us
But we keep choosing the wrong bus
Yet His love, Oh His love is beyond our trust
Holds us together making us one
To live beyond our limits
Pushing aside everyone else's critics
So that He is seen in everything we do
For His glory and power is far beyond
what we discover
Take time out for Him to know more of what He aspires
For us His children, the ones He desires.


[June 28th entry]


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