Life Changing Banner

PNG Independence is in a few days. A week before the Independence you will see Papua New Guineans walking around selling provincial flags and their national flags.  Every Papua New Guinean vehicle will have one or two of these flags on their vehicle. Some hold it out from the buses like how Fijians  do during the COKES or Deans seasons.  So much pride for their country. So much love and so much hope they carry.  Its contagious!

Maybe I’m the only one fascinated by this because its my first time here, but this has been soooo refreshing for me.  Apart from the recent shooting a week ago and all the other scary stuff that happens, seeing this side of life here gives me some sense of peace.

It’s always fun and sweet to take pride in something; to take ownership of belonging.  It is in these moments that one finds something worth fighting for; something worth counting on; something that makes a memory that when we look back we chuckle a bit and cry over how GOOD it was.  Something life changing.

A flag represents so much for a nation, (or whatever it represents) – identity, favour, security, prosperity, belonging, seasons, something that has stood the test of time, something that holds the past, present and the future. 

For Fiji Ever Fiji
(Do I really need to explain why this photo is so fitting here?
Well I just felt this fitting because ... just because.)

 A flag in Biblical terms to me is a banner.  A banner is (according to what I came across today in the Bible) what God holds for those who fear him.  [Psalms 60:4]

Woah. The most High God holding a banner when I would like to see us holding a banner for Him! I mean He’s God! He holds everything else..but a banner? Woah.

Here we are holding a lot of other things as our banner when the Most High God just wants us to choose Him as He holds a banner over us. Taking pride in us. Choosing us to be where He dwells. To protect us, to fight for us, to count on us, because He stands the test of time, because He is constant through all our seasons, through all generations. Amen.





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