A Song
Life is like a song, with a beginning and an end and a melody that pulls on all the heart strings. It is only a little past 11am as I write this and I am exhausted! I may have mentioned a number of times over the years, living with our grandmother. It has been 3 months since her recent mild stroke and she has been needing extra assistance daily. She's recovered 97% of mobility but still needs 24/7 supervision. My mum is currently down with a cold so I have to be the temporary primary care giver. It's hard to accept that this is the new reality with her and all the good memories we once shared are just that now, memories. She's still here with us but for the most part she isn't. That brain disorder that creeps up on the elderly and affects everything we do around them can be such a physical and an emotionally draining exercise. It is not for the faint of heart. Half the time we're fighting them to remember basic things but they're just not there anymore and ...