Meet Vilisi

Tell us about yourself: Name, Married or Single; What do you do.
Bula. I am Vilisi Cakacaka. I am married and am a missionary for Campus Crusade for Christ along with my husband. 

What is Campus Crusade for Christ?
Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) is an inter denomination Christian organization. It is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus.  We are committed to helping fulfill the great commission through Community ministry, Family Life ministry and Student Life ministry. 

Tell us about your story – how or why you joined ministry.
I got involved in to CRU through Student Life ministry. I first heard about Student Life in 2009 through a friend but it wasn't until a year later when i got involved through attending Bible studies. Through these Bible studies I got to understand what it really means to be  a “Christian” and that it is an individual journey with God.  Understanding this truth opened my eyes to see things from God’s perspective rather than my own nor the world’s.
Upon my graduation I started looking for a job as any other student would. Meanwhile I would also join students and staff from time to time for witnessing and bible study. I did that just for the fun of the company. Hence I would hang out at the CRU office a lot and so now and then the staff would indirectly challenge me to join them as a missionary.
As much as I enjoy what they do, I would laugh back at them, shaking my head and taking it as a joke. However I always went home deeply bothered by their jokes. So I started to seek God about it. I had a lot of fears especially with my past when dealing with this idea of being a missionary and I always thought that only certain people were qualified to do this work. Then God used different people to encourage and remind me that he can use anyone regardless of their past.
Being involved with a group of people who love God, who are passionate about His calling and the great commission, gave me a burning desire to want to do it for myself, so I decided to join them!

How easy or hard was it to come to that decision?
Hard - After graduation 90% of Parents expect their children to have good job with steady pay cheques. so it was hard for me to explain to my parents how much we depend on God on this job when it comes to our Pay. It took me time to finally tell them everything and it was one of the hardest thing I’ve ever had to talk about with them.

What is one your biggest highlights from this work you get to do? (Apart from meeting your husband haha)
I love growing through being brought outside of my comfort zone in talking to strangers about this Jesus and seeing joy in their faces when they realize they can have a relationship with Him too!

Fear of the unknown – not everyone is receptive to what we share or what we do; Not everyone understand the beauty in investing in eternity; Not everyone is willing to risk it with you. 

Any last comments.
8years into this ministry, God has changed my total perspective on this field of work. His provision has been so apparent and just really amazing. Also I’ve just been blown away by how I’ve been able to build relationship with other Christians (Strangers) who understand this passion outside my comfort zone.
It’s a long journey but it’s an amazing/exciting one. It’s not always smooth, it is rough at times but we are called to remember that we are investing into eternity. 

With CRU staff 2013 - the people I have been blessed to work alongside. 

1 John 2:17
“The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.


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