The stuff I live for! #WakeUpOlive

My sis told me about a trending hash tag on Instagram: #WakeUpOlive and I.was/am.hooked. I have to see this happen. I need people to see this happen. Not to prove anything but just the comfort that Jesus is real and this gospel that we preach is no lie. 

Background story: Olive stopped breathing and has been declared dead by the doctors. Daughter of Bethel's Kalley Heiligenthal. Favorite worship leader. 🌹

Here's my take on it...

Oh dear little Olive
What a beautiful awakening your little being has brought unto this world 
There is no way any of this is a coincidence 
Our God had this orchestrated from the start, from your start 
I see comments from aaaalllll the ends of this earth 
A beautiful awakening of His bride 
A beautiful awakening of His child
A beautiful awakening of His pride 
A beautiful awakening of all that is His. 

I see people who've lost touch realign again 
I see gospel dots connecting like its never done before 
I see networks formed and reformed in ways its never been joined before 
I see sweet Jesus' purpose fulfilled through it all

Truly this has always been His dream
Always been His intention
Always been His heart from the start
Not to inflict pain but to redeem it
Not to defuse hope but to restore it
Not to scatter belief but to gather it 

All this has been dear Olive is a beautiful gathering at the feet of Jesus 
just like how they gathered at the Mount of Olives for His ascension after the ressurection 
The same glory He ascended with is the same glory we anticipate 
We're all just here to glean and watch His glory unfold 
and receive from our Master, your awakaner; our awakener 

Come forth now and reveal your glory Lord 
Your people are here, 

Let it be known unto this world that OUR God never stopped doing miracles. 

"the coming of the Lord will be on the Mount of Olives" - Zecharaiah 14:4 

✨ Olive Alayne : Victorious Awakening! ✨ 


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