No Loss. Only Gain. 🌹

"I'm so sorry for your loss," they said with good intention. 

Every time I heard/ read that, I found myself thinking, "but I'm not at loss..? " Not in a mean way, but I really didnt/ dont feel like we lost something/ someone. Dont get me wrong, we miss him lots and holding his hand till his last breath felt like my heart was ripped open with no mercy, BUT we really like REAALLY deeply believe he's in a better place. A place where there is no pain and sorrow and heartache and shame. 

"Heaven's gain", they said.. and really, in believing that, I like to think it is our gain too! It gives me strength to believe he really is where I long to be on the daily. I mean he's already there!!  It gives me strength to realize thats where I want to be headed all the days of my life. It gives me strength to believe that every single day I'm alive is a chance to live for THAT glory; for that goodness; for that craze. Him being there gives me hope and grace to fight to remain in Jesus so I can see him again! Him being there gives me joy that all his life story was not in vain; that his tears and toil for the Lord will not be disappointed. I've seen it, I heard it and I'm still hearing of it and I know now without a shadow of a doubt, that it will not go (just as it has not gone) unnoticed. 

I miss him deeply and I long to be over there now more than I've ever believed and I love it. I love that his homecoming giddies me towards heaven than without heaven. I know heaven is real because of him. His living example of his perspective on it will always always change me. 


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