The MIQA Miracle// Daughter of the King

A few days ago I came across the above quote on Twitter and I one hundred percently agree! I have a lot of people that I can think of who I never thought would be so passionate about God like they are today but today I'm just gonna write about one.
Here I am prayerfully thinking about family members and extended relations and just kai Vitis out there who I want to really know this God I serve more than just a 'Sunday thing' or a family thing but for themselves individually to know Him for who He is and then God just goes, "Hey, look at Miqa."
If anyone even God (sadly for me) told me back in 2005 that Miqa would have her IGram account under 'Daughter of the King' I would have laughed so hard. Geez I sound mean. Sorry. But seriously though.
I recall a memory from back then where we planned to go movies and were to meet at Sukuna Park. This man came and shared with me and then later her too when she joined and the verse he shared was none other than MATTHEW 6:33. (hey!) He prayed over us and said, "Years from now sitting in your office somewhere, you are going to remember me - the man that shared to you at Sukuna Park to seek ye first His Kingdom." I honestly laughed so hard in my head saying, NO I AM NOT going to remember you.  Miqa turned to me when he left and was like, "We should've just walked away from him." I couldn't walk away thinking he would just follow me around which would be freakier. lol. sigh. Gosh. Sometimes I hate that I do remember that. ( I'm pretty sure Miqa has COMPLETLY forgotten this)
Aaaaaanyway before I get all teary, that was all the way back in first year of high school and then we came to uni and just sort of drifted from each other along the way.
Two years ago at Synergy there was an alter call on those who wanted to say 'Yes' to be used by God and guess who walked down the aisle right passed me for it - MIQA!!! I melted. ha.
I don't know man, but Last month for the CMF fundraiser she asked if I was keen to buy tickets to it. I laughed out of how fun this God is. The only thing Miqa would invite me to was to go to the clubs. I see pictures of her on IGram and just get so blown away by who she is now! I mean her name on Instagram is 'Daughter of the King' for crying out loud! It's amazing! That revelation could only have come from the King himself. And boy this King is awesome.
(Gosh it's so refreshing, real stories like this.) 
The biggest things I got out of that is, Woww God. Miracles do happen! I can't be saddened by things that are not right now when behind the scenes God is always doing amazing things!
All of this to say, Don't give up on praying for loved ones. Don't give up praying at all. Miracles do happen hey.



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