LUKE 16:16

Over the years Religion has taken root in the 'church' and has kept buried the glory and power that must be seen in the body of Christ.  In this day and age, in this nation, the Latter Rain Ministry of Fiji chooses to stand to shake the frozen believers who have settled in the concept of religion and has been blinded to aspire for more.  This journey for me began when I learnt/ realized the difference between Relationship and Religion and how life with Jesus is supposed to be fulfilling, joyous and sweet and not stagnant, tiring and boring.  

Within the last 5 years I've heard or come across several testimonies,word of knowledge and prophecies about Fiji being the center of revival to the world/ nations.  I've received visions and revelations myself of it happening but I've always just wondered how, when or where it was all gonna happen.  Most of us I know have been eagerly awaiting this significant event, if it hasn't already happened.

Words are not enough to describe the immensity, the fullness and the exciting week I just had! It was nothing about my being there; or how we got there; or who all went there and what for.  It was just all God - Him showing up and showing off.
He's awesome.

Last week I may have just witnessed something I believe is the beginning of the coming to pass of all of those prophecies.  I know there have been waves of revival that came and went over the years, but this one is not like so.  What began last week I saw, is a series of waves crashing on the reefs of the souls of man that for a long time has settled on the thinking that religion is it. Lo and behold, arriving on the shores of the land is the Rivers of living water, flowing to prosper the land and its people - a river that never runs dry.  

June 1st, 2015 we stepped foot on to the lands of Savatu in the interior of Ba, off Tavua, Fiji.  I reckon the landscape was pretty cool and fitting for the extraordinary historical event that took place. Savatu is in the valleys and is surrounded by mighty mountains all around.  Our team didnt know it was historical until we got there.  
The revelation of prophecy that was received as we arrived was that what took place last week is the establishment of the Kingdom of God in Fiji, beginning in Savatu.  Why? I dont know but I serve a mysterious God and in due time I believe it will make sense, even to us.  

The people that attended came from at least five other nearby villages. (And by nearby I mean hours and miles of walking on gravel roads over the hills and slopes of Ba.) My heart melted overhearing two women of Savatu having the most normal conversation about their miles of walking, sleeping over along the way just to be where we were June 1st! Some of them walked to and fro every single day the Lord has made for the 7 days  we were there. ( I mean, I was on a car to get there and I was exhausted over the bumpy ride :( ) 
Their hunger and thirst for the Good News  tore into my soul and boosted my spirit in ways I cannot describe!

They have my utmost respect for walking the miles. 

There were teachings on Tithes & Offerings and other requested topics in the mornings for 2hours and lessons on the foundation of the Kingdom of God in the evenings.  Some of us may be familiar with this whole Kingdom concept and I realize that most of the waves of revival that came were mainly centered in the urban centers. I mean a good percentage of us natives who deserve to have a say in this land live up there and out there without the weekly or frequent open air evangelism that is held at every corner of the urban centers these days.  So this is significant to me because I know how much religion has taken root in Fiji especially in the rural areas where good deeds are done out of dutiful obligations, (not to mention whilst practicing witchcraft on the side - lets be real, it's Fiji) rather than for a love affair.  

Fijians know alot about God but I reckon the people need to be reminded of who they are in God, who they can be in God, basically their identity as a citizen of the Kingdom of God and realize the difference between  Relationship and Religion.  
The thrill of seeing them have their "Oi - moment" (ie. their Aha- moment or Oh! - moment) about this truth is fulfilling, really... and their eagerness and deep desire to pursue the truth 
is worth. every. single. second. of. my. time.  
(I mean have you seen Kai Colo's (highlanders) worship?!! Duuuuude! It's the coolest craziest scene ever!!!!!) 

The Kingdom of God is preached. 


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