164 Years of Faith
25th November 1860 was the date on record our great great grandfather Aisea Vakadranu got baptized to be a Christian. 164 years ago.
Upon this discovery the vuvale Nadokadrau likes to get together to honor what that decision has been for us over the generations.
A little bit emotional realizing the significance that one decision has been over the generations.
Sure there has been bad decisions along the way, and our grandfathers could have easily chosen not to introduce us to the faith but here we are 5th, 6th and 7th generations later still gathering to pray and praise.
Alot of it is also credited to the women who married in to the family, our mothers who helped nurture us and keep us in this faith reality. A combination of grit and grace to press through challenges and the simple truth of the power of our living God.
Today we have become many branches and many in numbers since that baptism and I recall a verse that was personally shared to me back in 2008 by Tutu Tu Kolinio (SLRs late father) that he felt is significant to the family story and journey;
Romans 4:17
“As it is written, 'I have made you the father of many nations'—in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.”
Two of the remaining fathers we have,Tata Peni & Tata Siti
I am a 5th generation believer of the faith of Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord and getting to sit around family yesterday to sing and pray and have tea and cake 164 years later is pretty mindblowing to me.
"God, who gives life", is the reason we live and have our being and I believe that in that one baptism into Christianity all those years ago, God had today in mind - some day they will be many, fruitfully multiplied, in numbers and in the faith.
We are products of generations of prayers and obedience and grace and grit. We didn't just happen. Our destiny story could have been different, going the complete opposite direction of where we are right now. But here we are.
I share this because I know how important that decision has been in my own life.
What a testament to the reality that the Word of God stands the test of time.
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