What's On The Inside


Lena: Every haircut (MFG referring) has a testimony.
Me (thinking): cool! But.... I dont have one.

After the haircut dot dot dot I think I DO have one! Ha. Or at least something worth sharing.
If you know me, this haircut/ style is completely outside the box for me. I mean its not EXACTLY what I had in mind but it turned out like this and i am not mad about it. I chose Ani (the hairdresser) for the very purpose of giving me something that is up to date of some sort without messing up my personality or something. Or without me ending up hating it. I knew she would naturally produce something fine without me wanting to hide from people for it. Lol.

But really. I guess the biggest thing for me is that its new and different. And fresh. And timely.

In the 'church' I feel like there is a standard way to dress, to look, to speak, to feel even for some! But in the past decade I reckon the global message of the hour has  been one that is dissecting religion up to its core and that is that Jesus changed the standard/ Jesus gave the standard/ Jesus is the standard. And by this it's meant that Jesus showed  the world that traditions and law are good but aren't necessarily what makes us right with Him. The standard that Jesus came to personify is: relationship with Him. He came to show that through Him alone was it all gonna work. Through Him alone is it going to make sense. Through Him alone will it be durable when traditions and laws have reached its limits.

(Also neccessary to mention is that I dont mean to be speaking against modesty or loyalty in any way.)

All I'm saying is, this hair-do for me is to sort of prove (if not in a big crazy way.And I'm not trying to boast about how great my walk with the Lord is right now because its not. Its messy most of the time BUT. it is good.) that God. *sigh. He is about what's on the inside. And I am convinced that that's what Jesus did model - that what's on the inside is what makes the standard.


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