It's Gonna Be Okay
I feel like the year is coming to a close very quickly this time around. It's exciting but also very scary? The future is sometimes. "It's Gonna Be Okay" were the words I was dying to hear when challenged with my 1st major obstacle for the year (Which wasn't that much big of a deal compared to the ones that came after that). Well after that hurdle came several more. And now just when we thought we were ready for 2014, God drops another bomb on us. The last one I suppose, for the year. Tears shed and emotions on the loose as soon as the bomb was dropped. As much as our flesh wants to question and wallow in it all, the sweet Lord reminds us through His Spirit and each other, of His love and for me personally, He reminds me of all I experienced this year and how much He was the real part of it all; that everything He allows for us is for our good and that all in all it is all to bring Him glory! That its all about Him. Never about us or how we should feel good...