
Showing posts from February, 2021

Listen. ๐Ÿ—ฃ

I've been spending the nights with Nau (my grandmother). Its been comforting and kind of God.  She's partially deaf so communicating has been different that we have to be loud enough for her to hear us. So sometimes she cant hear us being around and she gets a shock when she sees us suddenly like  we've been there with her for a while. One "Sa!" usually comes flying at us quickly followed with laughter and then all is well in the land!  It got me thinking of how important the sense of hearing is that it affects where we look or how we press on to the next thing.  Nau doesn't look our direction when she's  busy because she cant hear us being there with her and its enlightened me with some truths:  ๐Ÿ“ŒSometimes we're not looking because we're not listening.  ๐Ÿ“ŒSometimes we dont have direction because we're not listening. ๐Ÿ“ŒSometimes we get a shock when our paths take a sudden turn because we're not listening. ๐Ÿฅบ  I've had to learn some of ...

Feb 6th ๐Ÿ’›

 “ The deepest things that I have learned in my own life have come from the deepest suffering. And out of the deepest waters and the hottest fires have come the deepest things that I know about God...And it has been out of that very measure of pain that has come the unshakable conviction that God is love." - Elisabeth Elliot; Suffering Is Never For Nothing   I received those words from my sis Fehi, the day before my father's passing.  That same week while I worshipped at home, I been "seeing" angels come to my father's hospital bed and looked like they were dancing around his bed.  In that moment I wanted it to be them (angels) coming over to heal him so he could come home. He got both though - he got healed and went home, just not in the sense I wanted him to. All the pain I've had to endure before that, could not come close to that - what was the longest and heaviest nights of our lives.   I look back over it all now as fond memories of closeness to...