The Holiness of 2020
What do I mean by the Holiness of 2020?
All this year has brought about for me is revelling in the God who IS.
A few years ago I was in a series of horrible situations. I was doing good/ right and got stabs in return. I didnt even want to be there But God led me there - in dreams, in prophetic, in visions and words of affirmations and confirmations and through His word, I was adamantly led to be right, there.
It was HARD. I mean, I cried myself to sleep most nights. I just wanted to be obedient but I didn't even know in what exactly. I just knew I was supposed to be there. They were not my normal. That whole season and it's people were not what I was familiar with. And being the overly introverted one (specifically in that season), it was definitely one of the hardest things I've ever had to brave - choosing to stay.
Amidst all of the fleshly craziness of that season, on the spiritual side of things, there were massive heavy revelations and prophecies being released about the nation and the world. and it was just too heavy to pass.
Imagine. Everything that the world is experiencing right now as I type this, were long foretold or released to us in that season. I heard them all...and I thought, could the whole world really SHUT DOWN?! Could this be true? I mean in my mind, I knew it could.(Partly bc it was coming g from the man of God) But part of me, kept saying,maybe not LITERALLY. maybe just in the spiritual realm or something of that sort.
The glory of that season far surpasses the pain I had to endure in it for sure. Which is why the only thing I am being taken to be in, through all of these 2020 happenings is Holiness. Holiness because it's all just happening as He had revealed. Holiness because He is God and He calls the shots. Holiness because nothing happens without Him allowing it. It all belongs to Him! Holiness because He knows exactly what is going on. Holiness because the dark is not dark to him. Holiness because He is such a real and good part of it, EVEN/ ESP in the pain and devastation. He is God.
It just brings me into reverence for God because watching it all unfold I'm constantly in,
"Wow God. You really knew what you were doing through all of that - receiving all of that, hearing all of that and living in all of that."
2020 wouldn't mean as much to me as it does, had it not been for that whole ENTIRE experience! If I had backed out immaturely (before the appointed time), I would have completely missed the point of being there altogether! 🥺
What a Good God we/to serve that even in the uncertainty; even in the crazi He was actually being kind in being purposeful. You prove to be the only One worth holding on to!
Even if/when your entire people or community aren't with you in/on it. Trust beloved!
God's. Got. You.
Some definitions of holiness online:
🎈the process of looking and acting less and less like the base things of this world
🎈Set apart
🎈Purity or Integrity of moral character
🎈The Absoluteness of God
So yes. The holiness of 2020 bc of all of the above and because of the closeness to God it brings me in to. ❤
2020 has really blessed me in embracing my story and journey - fully and wholly. Come to think of it, it's like the COVID19 pandemic phase healed me in some way.
God is good. Always. Above and beyond. Amen.
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