
Showing posts from April, 2020

Lockdown Entries

Let me just write out my prayer for all these. "Father. May hearts be stirred for You. May hearts be shaken to move FOR You. May lives be enriched, encouraged, uplifted, rekindled to live for You. and it doesnt have to be huge or known and seen by the world - just be seen and known by You. That these pennings will go forth and serve and comfort and generate peace wherever it is received. For Your Names sake. Amen."  Please note, I am totally talking to myself (lol) or an invisible audience or my journal or God in all these. I like recording or taking notes of ALL that is happening or all that speaks to my heart/interests accordingly.  H ere's a few...  March 31st, 2020:  Truth bomb: "We were already in crises with the vitriol,...loss of empathy for each other, ..ignoring genderism, racism, and a general mood of disrespect and narcissism. We were already in a crises globally!"   - Bishop TD Jakes on Instagram   April 5th...

Meet Vilisi

Tell us about yourself: Name, Married or Single; What do you do. Bula. I am Vilisi Cakacaka. I am married and am a missionary for Campus Crusade for Christ along with my husband.   What is Campus Crusade for Christ? Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) is an inter denomination Christian organization. It is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus.   We are committed to helping fulfill the great commission through Community ministry, Family Life ministry and Student Life ministry.   Tell us about your story – how or why you joined ministry. I got involved in to CRU through Student Life ministry. I first heard about Student Life in 2009 through a friend but it wasn't until a year later when i got involved through attending Bible studies. Through these Bible studies I got to understand what it really means to be   a “Christian” and that it is an individual journey with God.   Understanding this truth opened my eyes to see ...