I came across a couple of videos of (prophetic if I may) people talking about or what they "feel" is or "what is to come." I'll be real - I laughed through some of it. Good belly laughs saraga. Because it was crazy. But man. In the end I also laugh because I get it. I get that it's crazy. I get that it's scary. I get that its absurd. Absurd like, "there is no way THAT was from God." After the mockery (mine and the comments sections) I was wiping away tears I didnt know I needed and took notes (because that's what students do in this world of learning and unlearning. 😩) There are 12 books of prophets in the Bible and numerous others prophets mentioned all throughout the Bible. If that doesnt highlight the gift this side of ministry is, man. I get it tho. It's not "popular" or accepted because of the nature (or persons) of delivery. I'm just saying its shallow to disregard God things just because it's no...