It was always meant to be this way.

Something I received this week made me go drag out my old journals. Ive been stuck on the 2014 one because I found some gems that made me laugh out loud and the ones where I said, wow God . Here I am saying how I'm "thoroughly enjoying WFH" because I got used to home clothes and messy hair for yeeeaaaars that I thought that was my portion forever. That all God meant for me was to save the world from home. Which isn't bad. But I forgot that girl that once dreamt things. ðĨš Cos like in this day and age, testimonies like my fathers where only reaching Form 4 and making something of himself was only of the older generations tales. But. He. Did. It. Again. with my unfinished degree and lack of "experience" in the secular world, He did it. Again. I messaged my sis that gifted me that journal, "Thank you for this timeless gift. ðĨšI got to record what God had for me all along even though I buried the dream along the way." One of my first weeks in the...