Let's Have Some Wine.

Cried a ton tonight. Cried for friendship. We take it for granted. I know, Some days I've jokingly uttered, "can we see each other after 6months? cos I'm tired of seeing y'all. 😂" Tonight I cried. Not because I've lost them but because I look back and I look around me, and I go to sleeep smiling most days, because of God's hand on my life through friendship. Honestly for a generally introverted person like me, I dont know how I would have survived the oddest of odds over the years without the gift of friendship; without being able to call/ txt someone up and tell them about my life without judgement or fear; or just having someone who was willing to listen without interjecting or posing threat or fear; or someone who was open to just 'being there' or 'being present', no strings attached other than the often unspoken promise of 'its okay I gotchu regardless', 'I gotchu. Your mess won...