"I Was There"
This week two of my bests celebrate their one month anniversaries respectively. Crazy. This means Ive been back in Viti for about two months now. Wow. Time flies when we're busy! Lately in just catching up with loved ones I realized how much changed in my heart this past year and I am blown away! I dont think people understand the depth of what I endured these past few years (not that I expect people to understand) to the point where I gave up on life! - Gave up on myself, gave up on holding on, gave up on family, gave up on friendships,the relationship I was in, purity; gave up on the church, gave up on God and God things - everything I was walking in my whhoolle life! And for it to be something I am looking back to, today?!! when a year ago I was done with this thing called life.. I never fully understood what having a saviour meant until I NEEDED SAVING myself! Less than 12 months ago, I was a mess. or worse. My goodness. I was sooo bitter I w...