
Showing posts from May, 2018

"There is death in Gaza" // My two cents

"There is death in Gaza" I just read here on social media.  The point of that phrase being that while the Israeli community smile and celebrate their unjust government, there were people dying on the other side - unarmed and therefore treated unfairly.  Some say Israeli with guns and ammunition against sticks and rocks. Fair observation. But is it? I will be honest. It was shocking to see that when it came down to fact/truth and current affairs (not always the same thing unfortunately), we a people that thank God for our rugby wins defy this same God throwing shade at his people choosing to celebrate. If you really knew what this people had to endure in only seven decades ago, you would understand why they fight the way they do; why they've had to create the best and finest of of all finest ammunitions for themselves from NOTHING; why and how they built an empire and A- State-Of-The-Art economy... If you knew or saw how they were almost nothing, le...

May 14th, To My Tata

Some historical events the world recognises: Israel's Independence day; Fiji's first coup - And by your own cousin I might add.   May 14th. Your birthday.  A year away from 70 today, Tata.  Wow. Before what people know you as - a spiritual mentor,  a work colleague, a retired civil servant, a leader,  a man of faith... I am blessed to know you first as my Tata. There has never been a time in my life where I questioned that. You carried all roles that you were assigned to - Vanua, Lotu, Matanitu while being our Tata - all with so much GRACE and discernment.  What an honour to witness it first hand. Everything about my life and encounters with God is inspired by your relationship with us as our father,  with me as my father. Vinaka na veisusu vinaka. However big, however small,  I'm grateful and proud of the life you both have built for us.  It doesn't look like a lot on the physi...

A Letter To My Mother 💕

I don't know what may have been going on in your head on that day you said "I Do" but I know without a doubt you said it - if anything, with or without anyone else standing with you with it, I know you said it with faith.  At 26, much older than when you were when you got married,  I can imagine how scary that must have been for you.  I'm sorry I misjudged you.  I put this tag on you as a mother, as my mother, you should just know how to handle life because you are the 'mother' - not a human being, not a Sunday school teacher, not a lay preacher, just a mother.  Mothers just know. Mothers always know. True to a certain extent but I think in that,  I didn't see you mothers as human beings - people who hurt, and cry, and fail and sometimes (if not often) misunderstood or overlooked.  The sleepless nights not only on infant stages but throughout all our lives really, wherever we trod. Thank you for saying yes over and over and over and ov...