A Sober View Of Living

[WARNING: These thoughts are completely my own battling through the odds and reality of life and trying to see it fit in to the wonderful adventure of having a relationship with God. No hard feelings.] When days are hard And my mind battles through the scars The things that are close to my heart Trying to find its way back to the start The world around me seem so complacent and nonsense Here I am praying not to get poisoned. Is it wrong to care, I wonder? People just chilling like my Jesus didnt suffer Came to give His LIFE while we wandered The life that i s like no other! Yet we choose much less than His offer Pre-marital sex, selfish ambition and lustful pleasures Sorcery, jealousy and outbursts of anger To name a few of our acts of ignorance on things that matter. So, what am I supposed to do with all of these struggles? Well we who belong to Christ are more than conquerors We might fall but we rise up taller Sinking...