Letting Go
Amazingly overwhelmed is how I best describe (though poorly i think) my feelings in the past week. I thought everything was good until it got even better! Phew. My hands are sweating and shaking and my heart skipping as I write this. The Presence. - I welcome thee ! God is good. The phrase I struggled to say and believe with all my heart every other day. I have to confess, at least once a week I give in and get soooo mad - at everything, at everyone, at life, at God. Yesterday was that day for me this week. It came out of nowhere. Anger i mean. I was angry. So angry. I've recently been so fearful of alot of things and I hated it. Negative thoughts and ideas flooded my mind like crazy - suicide included. I didnt have the heart to talk with anyone. I walked down to Suva Point. I imagined myself walking and walking and walking into the ocean until....... That small ounce of faith I had inside of me knew I would literally ...