
Showing posts from June, 2016

'Forget Not All His Benefits '

Bless the Lord , O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Psalms 103:2 NKJV I recently learnt that worship includes remembering all of Gods goodness in my life. (Best advice EVER!) I like remembering/ recalling God moments in ! my life where Divine intervention was the only way I got through situations. I actually have a habit of running to old journals when I'm block headed sometimes and just feeling down. So I was pretty stoked to learn in a teaching that remembering His benefits shifts mindsets and aligns us right back to God! It's true! Remembering where or when He met you, takes you right back to meeting Him. Again! The well renowned psalmist of all time, King David, in his Psalms did this all the time! He constantly put it out there that His God did this and that and sort of indirectly declaring that His God CAN do it all over again!!! Sigh. And so for me, if I ever forget anything in this world, may I NEVER  ever forget His...

Debora aaah!

Debbie girl turns a year  older this week! Oh my heart! These little ones are growing up soooo fast! I feel like Debbie girl is the epitome of the women that were/are a part of McFarlane family. Her coming into existence forced each of us to decide whom to rely on - God or man.After much search for answers through the hurt and shock,and judgement and opinions, we all individually came through choosing God and community (in summary)  Crazy good season.. #FunGod Her being named Deborah is prophetic to me for each for us in the different fields Gods put us in. Calling us out to be mothers, to be intercessors, to bring about comfort and healing, to love and encourage and be a voice of God/ represent Him (in pageants😉) in the way we carry ourselves, in our speecch, in our friendship with God and each other. 😳 wow Love you so much Debbie girl. Trying not to shed a tear. Gots you in a special place in my heart! always... Yacas.